Saturday, December 22, 2012


Time to get started!  I got their work area set up, rolled out the dough and let ‘em go to town.  You may notice that Sister’s hair is straight.  We got haircuts earlier that day and the last few times we have gone, she has asked Mrs. Jill to make her curls straight. Looks cute, but I prefer the curls.  She prefers it straight. Naturally.december 2012 002

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We waited two days before we decorated them.  We had been diagnosed with flu and I wanted to make sure everyone had several doses of Tamiflu in them before we held those cookies in our hands and breathed all over them.  We still breathed on them cutting them out, but I figure the hot oven baked all the germs away right?  I know, I’m stretching a bit but I’ll take anything…december 2012 001

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I need to figure out which cookie C. is working on and remember to NOT eat that one….december 2012 011With or without flu germs, those are some awesome lookin’ cookies!december 2012 013

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Magic seeds

First off, I misinformed you all on the girl elf’s name.  Her name is not Sparkle, it is Glitter.  We woke up a couple of mornings ago to this note left by the elves.  It told the kids to plant the magic seeds at bedtime in a bowl of sugar and see what grew while they were asleep.

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So, that night after baths, that is exactly what they diddecember 2012 013

This is what  we woke up to….december 2012 017

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Choooo chooooo

We got all set to decorate our gingerbread train earlier this week.  I baked the pieces on Sunday and we assembled on Monday.december2012 025

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The finished product…december2012 040

The kids were diagnosed with flu today, so we are all taking Tamiflu…yuk.  At least our last dose will Christmas Eve and then we will be all healthy!

Monday, December 17, 2012



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We made our traditional gingerbread train today..more on that laterdecember2012 023

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Monday, December 10, 2012

Sunday, December 9, 2012


This was the surprise that Freddy brought back to us.  His little sister.  RA named her Sparkle. These two are sure to have some fun together.December 2012 001

I took an unexpected trip and have not felt like blogging. My mama passed away. Im still reeling. I will do my best to keep everyone up to date on Freddy and Sparkle and their adventures, but it may just be pictures only.  I don’t know.  I just don’t feel chatty or witty or even remotely funny.