Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Festival of Lights


We took our 3 elves to see the lights of Natchitoches this past Saturday.  This is unbelieveable if you have never been.  It’s a pretty big deal.  I’m talkin’ food, music (loud music), lights (obviously), buggy rides, fireworks, the whole nine yards all along one street by the river, Front Street.  History lessson:  Natchitoches is famous for being the oldest town in Lousisana. That is according to Jamie, who I am sure is right. It is also famous for being the set of the movie Steel Magnolias.  Fun Fact: The character Wheezer from the movie got her name from the  mother of a close friend of mine!  HA!!  Anyhoo, it’s about an hour and half or two hour drive from Ruston, but worth it!!  They block the street off and you can walk all around. The kids were amazed that the street was brick and not asphalt! The food is typical festival fare: if you can stick it on a stick and fry it, they have it: chicken, hotdog, alligator (we are in Louisiana ya know?), oreos…yes, you read that right. Fried oreos on a stick.  Ummmm..no thanks.  And of course, the infamous Natchitoches Meat Pie. However, these were not on a stick.. The lights are great.  They are lined up along the opposite bank, some even move. Like the reindeer in this pic..december 2011 085

These are the lights that drape across Front Street.december 2011 101

Jamie says he remembers the Santa face from when he was a kid and came to see the lights.december 2011 108

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The light tunnel leading to Santa…december 2011 120

When it gets good and dark, the fireworks start.  BTW, this is not just a weekend festival.  I mean it is, but it isn’t.  Confused?  They do this every weekend for the month of December! I think they do it Friday and Saturday, or maybe its just Saturday…not really sure.  Guess I should do more research before spouting off like that huh?december 2011 161

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Fun times in a fun little town!

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