Monday, July 19, 2010

For the past few weeks, we have had an unwanted houseguest. We finally found him tonight, dead of course. Here's how it went down...
I was awakened at dark thirty one morning when Thing 1 came and crawled in bed. Jamie went to get in bed with Thing 2. As I lay there trying to get back to sleep I kept hearing an odd noise in the hall in front of our room. I got up and stood in the doorway trying to figure it out, when all of a sudden I saw a figure about 3 inches long crawl from one side of the hall to the other. I stood there wondering what on earth it could be. Now, realize that it is dark thirty and the only light on is the lamp in the living room...on the other side of this hall. So, what I saw crawling was actually a black lump. I thought at first it was the frog that the kids play with that lives under our basketball goal. I felt some relief at that thought and started into the hall to pick it up and put it outside. Then I stopped. I realized that frogs don't crawl..they hop. Ok. Not a frog...mouse? Nope. No tail... Well, this whole time I can hear it crawling around behind a cabinet. it comes out from under the cabinet and crawls toward the door where I am. I bent over a bit to try to see it better when..... ITS WINGS POP OPEN!!!! Don't think bird folks.....THINK BAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
UGH!! I grabbed the door and jumped and closed it. Then immediately opened it up again and it was gone! Wonderful. I stood there paralyzed by fear. I didn't want to walk out there for fear it would attack me.
So, I ran to get a towel. I rolled it up and stuffed it under the door so it couldn't crawl in to get me. Then I sat on the bed for the next couple of HOURS wondering what I was gonna do. Should I go wake Jamie and risk waking the offspring as we looked for it? Should i just wait til morning?
I finally decided to go wake Jamie. So, I stood in the doorway, said a little prayer that NOTHING would fly onto to my head and RAN to the other side of the house.
Jamie and I spent the next hour looking for the bat and couldn't find it. I kept looking down low because I thought one of the wings was injured.
The next day I was on pins and needles all day wondering where it was. The next night i slept with one eye open..this went on a few days until I eventually forgot about it.
Well, last week when I would walk into the breakflast room to Thing 3's toy corner, I would smell an odd odor and then it would disappear during the day and I would forget to tell Jamie about it.
Tonight Jamie was by the toy corner and caught a whiff...He looked in a vase on the second shelf and BINGO!! He found our bat. Of course all the Things came running to see..

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