Monday, May 24, 2010

Weekend before last, we had a visit from some "down south" cousins. Baton Rouge to be exact. I know that's not really down south but it's a lot further down that us!!
Anyway, meet the triplets: M., E., and H., and Mom L.

Miss E. was quite the babysitter and kept Miss RA entertained.

Miss H. kept the rest of us entertained with her four-wheeler driving lesson!! This picture doesn't do justice to what actually transpired. Let me see if i can re-capture the events that led to this picture...
Sheriff was sitting on the back with H. in the front...she "gunned" the gas pretty good and the front of the four wheeler literaly came off the ground throwing Sheriff up in the air. I wasn't quick enough to catch the action...this is all I got. The front tires came back down to earth and Sheriff landed with a thud on the seat... fun times!! Thanks Miss H. for the show!! You're awesome!!

Later on, Mom L. decided to take a turn. Her lesson was eventful as well, but not to the degree as Miss H.'s!! We had a fun time!!
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