Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Boogie Board!
C. had a blast!
This was his first ride!!

D. took a little longer to warm up to the idea. Once he got comfortable with the waves, Jamie helped him get out so he could catch a wave..
and catch one he did!!

Unfortunately, right after the above pic was snapped..another wave rose up behind him and...WIPEOUT! If you look close, you can see his boogie board. Its the black thing at the top of the picture.
Poor kid! It took him forever to get out there and he gets slammed on his first ride!!

Post wipeout pickup....
He didn't really get upset, but he did retreat to the safety of the umbrella and lounge chairs for a bit to regroup after his spill!! Today, however, he didn't get in the waves. He stayed on the sand and built a most impressive sand "empire". Using the term "castle" wouldn't do it justice. Stay tuned for pics of it!!
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