Tuesday, June 3, 2008

So, our first day of swim lessons. Davis was NOT impressed. "This is no fun!" Poor Mrs. Pam. He was way more reluctant than last year. Probably b/c a day earlier he jumped in Mrs. Fran's pool and forgot he didn't have his innertube on and he went straight down. Jamie pulled him out and said the look on his face was absolute fear. Thankfully I was inside feeding Rubye Ann and missed that. Mrs. Pam was proud that he even got in after that episode!

Here he is negoiating whether he is going to sit or stand to jump in. "But Mama lets me sit."

"CANNONBALL" Not really, but that's what Cooper says EVERYTIME he jumps off the board now. I don't think he even knows what a cannonball jump is!!!

He did great...of course this is his thrid year of swim lessons...
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