Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Go-Rilla. He was quite the showman. He sat and stared at us for a while swinging his toy. Then he started to walk back to sit under the rocks. While he was sitting there staring, he stared to beat on his chest and the next
thing we knew, he ran toward us and charged the plexiglass window.

After hitting the window he would slide across the concrete and come to a stop. His breath would then fog up on the window. He would pace back and forth for a bit then go sit back down and it would start all over again.

"The hills are alive....." does anyone get that movie reference? Seeing this ram on these rocks makes me think of that. This pic doesn't really show it, but that was a huge wall of rocks that went straight up.

I mean really, have you ever seen anything quite as lazy? Must be nice....
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