Sunday, November 28, 2010

Hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving. We did! We were busy, busy, busy!! In a nutshell, we traveled, we watched, and we cashed in on our marble system.
Marble system you ask???
Let me explain.
I found this idea back at the beginning of the summer for a discipline/reward system. Each kiddo gets a jar with their name. They then get marbles for various things such as making their beds (RA is exempt from this one), putting away dirty clothes, picking up get the idea. Sometimes thier Daddy and I will come up with a special job we want done and then they can earn extra marbles. The idea is to fill their jar with marbles to the indicated red line, when this happens, they get rewarded. Now, here's the catch...if a kiddo displays a nasty attitude, poutiness, whineyness, etc. or gets in trouble in at school , we (Dad and I) will remove as many marbles as we see fit.
Orginially we decided the rewards would be something along the lines of a movie, or a trip to get ice cream, or running to WalMart to pick out something special. Ok. Well. We stared this in June. FINALLY in OCTOBER they had filled the jars up. It took them 5 months!
During the 5 months, C and D kept coming up with different rewards. One of which that kept coming up was a hamster. Everytime they asked Jamie and I would play it off and tell them he and I had to talk about it first hoping that would make them forget about it. Well, they didn't forget. Jamie and I sat down and discussed it. We decided that since it took them 5 months maybe a hamster was not such a bad idea. Then we told them that if they really wanted a hamster they would have to fill the jars up one more time. There was a little bit of opposition from D. on this but he eventually came around. While the kids were busy working on the second fillling I did a bit of research and found out guinea pigs are much more social and like to be around people. They alos will not bite and are NOT nocturnal. So we decided the guinea pig was the way to go. Well, the second filling arrived the week before Thanksgiving.

So today we went to get the newest member of our family.
Internets, please meet Astro.

For what it's worth, those green things are his treats, not poo poo.

I have alot of other stuff to share. We still have some Santa pics to share and some pics from our Thanksgiving break!! I'll try to get to all of that this week.
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