Monday, November 29, 2010

Lets get back to our visit with the Big Guy. Mr. Claus and RA had a very indepth conversation about her desires for Christmas.
She talked a little and he listened...

He talked a little and she listened...
very intently I might add.

This went on for quite some time. So much so that I think her bubbies were starting to get a bit bored...

Our goodbye pic..
Mom Note: This guy was by far the best Santa we have visited with! He listened with great interest and asked them questions. I was a bit skeptical when he arrived though. The kids saw him pull up in his white Toyota pickup and get out talking on his cell phone. I had to think fast because I saw the looks on their faces and knew what was coming... The first question: "Why is he driving a truck?" My lie/answer: The reindeer only fly on Christmas Eve, and it's probably a rental. The second question: "Why is he talking on a cell phone?" My next lie/answer: "The elves must of had a question about how to make a certain toy and needed his advice." That was close. I am wondering how much longer C. is going to fall for my answers.
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