Thursday, October 27, 2011

Here's where we went this past Sunday: Thats right. The circus. Now, first off, Im not a big curcus fan. Circuses and the circus people are creepy to me. Like the lady who served us our snacks. Im not kidding when I say her eyelashes were three inches long and curled up over her eyebrows with a gold rainbow painted on them. Tell me thats not creepy, or weird. And don't even get me startd on her fingernails!! We were given tickets from a dear friend and felt we should go. So, we loaded up and headed Under the BigTop. I have to say, we were pleasantly surprised! The people and atmoshpere were a tad creepy but not too bad. The performances were pretty good for being a small circus. This was a one ring show folks, not the three ring kind!
We started off the afternoon with everyones favorite: COTTON CANDY!! Did you know there are different ways one can consume this airy, fluffy, sugary confection? No? Well, let me share them with you:

First, we have the "Throw Caution to the Wind" technique. This is where you dig in from the bottom with no front teeth, not caring what happens.

Next, we have the "Dainty" technique. This is where you pull ever so gently with your lips from the top beign super careful no to get too much just in case you don't like it.

And lastly we have my personal favorite, the "Whole Hog" technique. This is where you begin salivating at the sight of the pink cloud on a stick then plunge your whole face into it to get the biggest bite possible!

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