Monday, November 3, 2008

Well, another Halloween has come and gone. Ours was packed with fun and busy busy busy! But then again, all superhero families are busy.

Now normally I like to make the kids costumes, just call me MomGuyver. (you know, Mom + MacGuyver = MomGuyver. I've never made an explosive device out of a toothpick and bubblegum, but I can fashion a pretty good costume every now and then)but this year I found it a bit challenging to try and make a superhero costume. So, I relented and bought the kids and mine. But lucky Jamie got a homemade one! That's only because he would not wear the Superman bodysuit....imagine that.....LOL LOL LOL. I like this one better anyway!

Here's a shot from our church's fall festival. Yikes! Would you want to tangle with these guys?

Can't you just hear the Wonder Woman theme in your head right now? "Wonder Woman, in your satin tights...fighting for your rights...."
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