Friday, February 27, 2009

"Here Come The Zebwas" aka Jamie's Secret Zebra Call

You may not find this video as funny as Jamie and I do, but I've been dying to share it!! We literally laugh so hard every time we watch it. I'm talking the kind of laugh where you don't make a sound until you gasp for air.. There are so many things to listen and watch for...first, Davis gave us the first part of the title. Second, I do a little foreshadowing of things to come when Jamie tries to get me to feed the zebra. Third, the irony of Jamie warning Cooper about the zebra. And finally, the part that gives us the second half to the title. Turn the volume up a bit to hear Jamie call to the zebra. The part that I crack up every time on is when he whispers "poochie poochie poochie" I'm laughing now as I type that....


Brandi Hasley said...

The video was very entertaining to John Reagan. He quickly learned th zebra call too.

2kwfoster said...

That was so funny Sarah! You guys sounded like Kory and I, "the bite won't hurt for long". I can't believe we lived in Ft. Worth for two years and never went there. Looks like you guys had alot of fun!