Let's start with breakfast at the hotel on our first morning. Doesn't everyone look chipper? Not so much. It was a late night with an early morning, not a great combo for the Walsworth kids. As you can see, someone was very anti-camera.
After a blueberry muffin, some Fruit Loops and some Corn Pops, everyone was in much better spirits and much more camera friendly...
I think this is my favorite picture EVER now. I was trying so hard to get a sweet pic of me with the boys. I snuggled them up and got them to smile just right for me. I just knew it was going to be great. And it was. BUT, I have what is known as a "photo bomber". If you are unfamiliar with the term, it means someone who is lurking in the background of a picture unbeknownst to the others, and usually doing something silly. Can you find my little photo bomber? Look at her face, she is totally belly laughing. She knows EXACTLY what she is doing! I had NO idea she was back there until I saw the picture after it was imported to the computer. I am literally convulsing I am laughing so hard looking at her. Joke is on Mama, and she knows it. Absolutely awesome!! You go girl!
This boy. He has really gotten in touch with his inner clown lately and this trip was no exception. This was his favorite pose; index fingers pointed up, tongue hanging down and a wild look in his eyes. I giggle everytime I see him do this.
Sister is riding in style..
Here we go, the first park of our trip...
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