Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Today was a loooooooooooooooong one.
When a certain someone gets her schedule for this messed up...

this is the result...

and when the mommy doesn't respond quick enough, this happens...
It all started EARLY this morning. Rubye Ann was awake at about 6:30. WAY earlier than normal. Due to this happening, she fell asleep while running errands. I let her snooze about 15 or 20 minutes becasue I had lunch duty at Cooper's school today. I was thinking that a quick cat nap would help since she would get down late for her nap. WRONG-O!!!!! When we got back from lunch duty...she went down..but for only about one hour. She usually sleeps 2 1/2 to 3 hrs. So, when she got up, she didn't want to be up, but she didn't want to be in bed either. She was not a happy little camper. The above picture is what I saw and HEARD off and on (mostly on!!!) from when she woke up at 1:30 til when she went down at 7:30. The only time she wasn't like that was when she was an attachment to my hip!!!! Whew.............

Another small person in this house didn't get a great nap today either....and was a bit, let's say, displeased with, oh, EVERYTHING!!!!!! The look you see here would be followed with a foot stomp and a mumbled group of words that was impossible to decipher!!!

The first born was exhausted. Here's his story....Around midnight I heard him crying. I laid there a minute giving him a minute or two to settle down on his own. Then all of a sudden he came out of our bathroom or closet running and crying. Evidently, he had had a bad dream and had walked to our room and ended up in one of those places. When I heard him crying, I thought I was hearing him on the monitor. So when he came running out and crying it scared me to death. I jumped out of bed after him. He ran through the house crying back to Davis's room. When I got to him he screamed and then jumped into my arms. I carried him back to our room and let him lay down with me. Jamie went to lay down with Davis b/c all the commotion woke him up too. It was scary. His little heart was pounding. At breakfast I asked if he remembered what happened and he didn't. Guess he inherited his Daddy's sleepwalking gene....

Like I said...loooooooooog day around here. Tomorrow will be better.
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