Sunday, September 23, 2012

Calgon, take me away….

What a week!  I for one, am sooooo glad this past week is just that.  In the past.  So when I left off last week I had informed everyone of my new adventure back into the job world. Yeah, that went over like a lead balloon.  The week before I actually started I was beginning to have a few second thoughts.  But I just shook them off telling myself not to be a baby and suck it up. People  do this everyday… Well, the night before I was awake most of the night tied up in knots over what I had gotten myself into.  Many tears were shed. I went to my classroom and choked back tears all day. I was so glad to get to carline and pick up MY babies. I wanted to be around MY babies. Not someone elses. That night and the next day were pretty much a repeat.  Now, I have to mention also that I was having a hard time managing everything.  Homework, meals, laundry, house, errands, etc. and try to figure out how I was going to teach three year olds!  Jamie was helping just like he always does, but I still felt like a fish floundering around.  I couldn’t eat, I couldn’t sleep, I couldn’t seem to do much of anything.  When offspring #1 came down one morning and announced there were no uniforms to wear to school, I completely lost it.  Jamie to the rescue.  While I stood in the closet blubbering like an idiot, he managed to throw some wet clothes in the dryer and get them dry for the kids. That did it.  Later that afternoon I went to the director of MDO and sat in her office and cried and cried about how I jumped into this too soon, I wasn’t ready yet and how sorry I was to be  telling her this. How I felt like I still needed to be at home for the kids . She graciously said she understood and had been in my shoes and would look for a replacement. Immediately, I felt soooo much better.  As I was on the phone with Jamie telling him all about it, I get a call from the kids school.  They were calling to tell me that D. had had a slight accident at recess and hit his head…I then cut off the caller and informed her I was on my way.  Two hours later we left Urgent Care with 5 stitches:  photo

My boy tripped over another child and hit his head on a bench.  What a way to end the week. Start a job, quit a job, watch someone sew up your child’s head. Like I said before, glad this week is OVER!

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