Thursday, September 27, 2012

Pity Party

As far as weeks go this one has run a close second to last week in the race of Bad Weeks.  Wanna hear about it?  No?  Too bad, here goes: I am awakened at dark thirty on Monday morning (4:45 am to be exact) to hear RA hiccupping… hiccupping at that time of night/morning can only mean one thing…yep. Vomit. Everywhere. I managed to get her to the bathroom and get her through the worst of it.  Then began the clean up….that’s something I do not wish on my worst enemy.  I need to back up.  Theres a long running joke between J. and I. Whenever he leaves to work out of town for the week, it never fails that while he is absent, some or all of us get really sick.  J. left the house that morning at 4:30 am to catch a plane to KY. Literally 15 minutes after he leaves, RA throws up.  I’m telling you it never fails!  She was sick off and on the rest of the morning and finally fell asleep around noon and slept until the boys got home from school.  After that, she was great!  She ate a few crackers and sprite for supper and went to bed that night feeling much better.  Tuesday morning, she woke up even better.  Asked for breakfast and ate some more and kept it down.  Same thing at lunch.  By the time the boys got home she was running around outside! She ate supper and then went to bed all fine and dandy.  I was feeling pretty good about it and was glad she was over the tummy bug.  she slept great all night until 5 am, and then guess what.  Yep.  I hear it again..hiccupping and  vomit. I was dumbfounded!  Got her cleaned up and started on the bed.  Later that morning the throwing up changed courses and she began to have diarherra ( sp?) She’s had it all day. So that’s where we are.  I put her to bed at 8:00 hoping we make it through the night.  Also hoping the boys don’t wake up in the middle of the night hiccupping…  well, enough of the pity party.. lets go back to DW!

Sister had been waiting for this for a while and we finally made it:May 2012 390

She waited in line very patiently chattering on and on about which princesses she would get to meet.  She had her autograph book and pen ready.May 2012 392

Princess Auroua aka Sleeping Beauty was first.  RA walked right up and gave her the pen and book and chit chatted with the Princess and then posed sweetly.May 2012 399

Belle from Beauty and the Beast was next.  Sister was not as enamoured this time.  In fact, she was a bit freaked out.  Something about Belle got off with her and she clung to me like she used to when she was a baby!  That girl literally jumped up in my arms when Belle walked over to her, and wouldn’t get down. Look how she is leaning her head on my shoulder, almost like ‘if I lean hard enough that girl in the yellow dress wont see me’!May 2012 402

The last princess was Cinderella.  RA loved her. Cinderella talked and talked and RA was totally at ease this time. She even got a hug!May 2012 410

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