Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Hee Hee! What a silly face!

Cooper has always been a snuggle bug!

That's a bream in Davis' hand!
I've got to hurry up and get some new pics...I'm running out of stuff to write! i guess I could tell of my encounter yesterday in Target! The more I think about it, it HAD to be an April Fool's joke...just had to be. I really hope it was! Ok, so here goes.............I'm in Target with a friend and she gets my attention. When I look at her she mouths the words "Get over here right now!" So I go. When I get over there, I see a MAN dressed in a woman's dress, complete with black pantyhose and black high heels! I just wonder how far my mouth really dropped open! This person proceeds to walk all around the clothing section looking around like he's trying to find someone...then crosses the main store aisle and goes to the shoes and walks up and down there and then comes back to where we were. I'm still floored trying to figure out if this is real or not. Then the person in question proceeds to go into the men's dressing rooms. At that point I decided I'd had enough and I walked to the much safer Lawn and Garden section. When I got back to the clothes section I was informed that this person had come out of the men's dressing room in nice kahki pants and a button down shirt, and had walked to the checkout and bought the dress, pantyhose and shoes! YIKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! during all this my friend made the comment, "This is Louisiana NOT California!"
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