Thursday, March 6, 2008

Here are some pics of Cooper playing soccer last Saturday. Bubba and Sazzy came to watch. Daddy (mine) took the pics. Cooper has come a long way since he started playing. The first season he sort of just ran along side the pack and let the other kids kick and pass the ball. NOW he's all up in the middle and taking control! Go Coop! He loves playing. Davis will get to play in the fall and he is already doing a great job of "dribbling" the soccer ball. I had no idea that when you run and lightly kick the soccer ball to keep in rolling at you feet that it is called dribbling! Cooper is enjoying his little team this go around, more so than usual. Our coach is a close family friend. His kids are on the team too and Cooper has grown up with Noah. The only thing that would make this team better is if Mason was there too! Cooper and Mason. These two are six weeks apart. Mason's daddy and Jamie were best friends in high school and you can imagine the antics that went on. I'm sure Mason and Cooper will carry on that tradition! Here I am talking about Mason and I don't even have a pic of him and Cooper in here. I'll ask his Mama first if it's ok,,you know since it will be on the "web! Hmm.......something happened to the other pics I had up here when I started typing. Cooper and Davis were looking at the pics before Coop went to school and I'm wondering if something happened then..............
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