Tuesday, March 18, 2008

I can't think of anything catchy to say for this....looks comfy doesn't she? This is basically what she does most of the time! I took her in to the clinic last week and she weighed in at a whopping 7 lbs. 15 oz. She has now passed up Davis' birthweight...he was 7 lbs. 10 oz. I can't believe she will be 7 weeks old on Saturday! They told me it would be ok to take her to Easter service on Sunday. This will be her first trip to church. She will not however be staying in the nursery..they told me to keep her in her carrier and not let anyone hold her. Although these pics don't show them, she has been opening her eyes and taking in all the sights around here.

Aren't these two pics of Davis and Cooper great? These were taken the night after Christmas. The one of Davis reminds me of the scene in the movie "A Christmas Story" where Ralphie's little brother Randy falls asleep under the tree with his new Zepplin. Classic! That movie is definately on my favorites list. It just wouldn't be Christmas if I didn't watch it at least once or twice. I love how they will have a marathon of that movie every year and you can watch it for like 24 hours straight! The other Christmas movie that has to be seen every year is Christmas Vacation. I'm giggling right now just thinking about it. My favorite part is when Chevy Chase pulls down the attic door and gets knocked in the face with the sliding laddder..HA HA HA!!! Oh yeah, my other favorite part is when he greases up his sled with "industrial lubricant"
and shoots like a rocket down the mountain and through the town. I'm laughing out loud now...gotta change subjects or I'm going to wake the whole house! lol lol Cooper has his Easter Egg hunt at school tomorrow and he is soooooooo excited hopefully I'll get some good pictures!

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