Yesterday while I was fixing supper I laid Little Bit down on her play mat to look and coo at stuff and that kid flat passed out! I was thinking..."No're supposed to do this at night after you eat..NOT NOW!!!! She looked so funny with that arm cocked up on her haed that I couldn't resist grabbing the camera! I'm sure you are wondering why the boys are not hovering over her as usual...well there's a very good explanation for that..I locked them in their just kidding! They were outside enjoying the "jumpy thing". That has been the best investment ever! They love it. Davis has just now gotten to where he likes it. I think that's b/c we're not using water on it yet. Last summer he didn't like it when we put the water hose on it, the slide went to fast. But he's lovin' it now. It will be interesting to see how he reacts when we put water on it for the first time ths summer.
I love the last picture from our blizzard last week. That snow was really coming down!
I've run into some people who have said they are reading the blog. I was excited b/c I wasn't sure if anyone was looking at it. THen I got worried b/c I wondered if it was dorky. You know, me talking about random things. The "circus" I thought we would be has not really happened yet. Mainly b/c WE DON"T GO ANYWHERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now don't get me wrong...I love being at home..I'm a homebody. BUT, even I am getting a little tired of being here......
As soon as the threat of RSV and flu is gone we will be out and about!
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